
Physical Therapy, Pregnancy Fitness, Postpartum Recovery   
Therapy for Mom's

Mamamorphosis is a unique program designed to guide you through the physical changes of becoming a mother.

office photo Wendy Shaw Dahl is a Physical Therapist who became a mother. As a P.T. she rehabilitated hundreds of patients in hospitals and in out-patient private practice. As a mother Wendy helped friends, family and herself avoid pain and injuries during pregnancy and after their babies were born. Combining knowledge and experience, Wendy began catering physical therapy to pre and post natal moms in 2005.

  • Physical Therapy just for busy and tired Moms
  • Prenatal Fitness for an optimal pregnancy and easier labor & delivery
  • Postpartum Recovery including appropriate exercises when you need them
  • C-section Recovery for Moms who need a little extra TLC
  • "Baby" Body Mechanics - hot tips to save your back with the baby (and all baby's equipment)
  • Safe, gentle techniques that get rid of your pain plus how to keep it away
  • Always one-on-one with Wendy, no Aides or Assistants
  • Serene office, baby-friendly, no other patients during your appointment.

1941 Johnson Avenue, Suite 202    San Luis Obispo, CA 93401    p: (805) 748.2335    f: (805) 544.6262    wendy@mamamorphosis.com